The free birds of Lastovo

Vrije Vogel which means Free Bird is a trusted yacht that has taken an adventurous duo around the shores of the Mediterranean and Adriatic. For Janke and Ab Smith, sailing is what brought them together. Fifty years ago, a young Ab was teaching at a sailing school in the Netherlands and met Janke. The two struck up a romance and set out to see the horizon from a sailing boat, mostly in their homeland. When they retired, they set sail to explore other distant shores.

Ab and Janke

Fast forward to 2018, we are sitting in one of Lastovo’s most beautiful bays, Mala Letisce. It is a sheltered and peaceful bay surrounded by trees and rolling hills which plunge into the tranquil warm waters of the island. Our only other companions are the fish gathering around the yacht for their evening hunt.

Ab and Janke have been coming to this bay for ten years now and plan to continue coming until they are too old to make the journey. For this couple, who have seen many islands on their adventures, Lastovo is their favourite. They describe the waters as being the clearest of all the waters they have sailed in. Janke exclaims: “The natural beauty, you can’t compare”. The couple describe a scene from a fairy tale, swimming at night with the plankton as the water lights up with every stroke, star filled skies with the odd shooting star to wish on, and recently a highlight has been viewing the blood moon. This was the longest eclipse of the 21st century and the moon turned red, giving it the name “blood moon”. Ab jokes that they will be here for the next blood moon, as it is a good excuse to spend another 100 years with his wife.

Ab and Janke also keep busy with the many walking trails of the Nature Park and enjoy the quietness of the island. It is this peacefulness that is part of the charm of Lastovo. They have put together a cook book full of delicious Mediterranean recipes, some of which I would like to try my hand at. They keep their friends up to date with their adventures through a blog and have put together a book of some beautiful photos. Ab says; “Our boat is our second home, but it belongs here. Lastovo is our boat’s second home”.

Maybe one of their most important activities in their spare time is the bay clean ups they take on. Their goal is to keep Mala Letisce bay the cleanest bay of the island. They describe keeping the bays clean as one of the biggest challenges facing the island and have a passion for doing their part for nature. As Ab put it, “that’s not only for the rangers of the park but it is the responsibility of every one living on this beautiful island and their visitors”.

Vrije Vogel, a fitting name for both the boat and the friendly, adventurous couple I got to know.


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