Beat Plastic this June

June 5 marks the United Nations World Environment Day, a day to raise awareness and action for environmental protection. Worldwide, eight million tonnes of plastic is dumped into our oceans annually. That’s a truckload of rubbish every single minute of the day. 

The theme for World Environment Day 2018 is #BeatPlasticPollution, a call for both consumer and government action to reduce plastic consumption.  Society has become increasingly dependent on singular use plastic, 50% of consumer plastics are single use plastics. This means that most plastic is used for only a short period of time, but live on to do damage for many years more. 

The island of Lastovo faces many challenges when it comes to waste. In coming years there are various projects looking at aspect of waste control, management and governance. A main topic at our community meeting, was issues of waste and possible solutions to both reduce plastic consumption and encourage efficient waste management practices. Creating environmental awareness, public participation, regular beach clean ups and recycling schemes were all discussed in the meeting. In May, the Nature Park held its first beach clean up. 

Beach clean up on Lastovo island

WWF Adria is challenging all citizens of Croatia to take on a challenge to be plastic free for 30 days in the month of June. Over 80 percent of plastic pollution in our oceans is generated on land, so how can you make a difference? Here are some handy tips to help you beat plastic this month. 

1.   Plastic bags 

 It is estimated that around 100 000 sea creatures die every year from ocean pollution. Plastic bags are mostly used as single use products and tossed into the garbage without another thought. These bags can take up to 20 to 40 years to decompose. 

Keep material bags handy, you never know when you might need to pop into the shop. This way you can use re usable bags for shopping and avoid plastic bags. If you happen to forget your material bags and need to use plastic bags, make sure you re use these plastic bags for other uses at home. 

Another thing to keep in mind when you are doing your grocery shopping, is to keep an eye on how many small plastic bags you are using to store your vegetables and fruits. If you are buying one lemon or orange, it is not necessary to put it into a small plastic bag. Make sure they weigh it and put the sticker directly on the fruit or vegetable rather than wasting a bag for one item.

An alternative to using plastic bags if you aren’t able to put the sticker on the product, is to take your own re usable zip lock nylon bags. There are also alternative cotton and eco friendly bags that are worth looking into. 

2.   Be strawless

This is one the easiest ways to reduce plastic, simply say no to plastic straws. Next time you order that cocktail, make sure to let the bar tender know you would not like a straw. 500 000 straws are estimated to be used every day in the US alone, don’t be part of the statistic. 

3.   Change your morning coffee routine

Your coffee take away cups are only useful for a single use, making them extremely wasteful. This one is also an easy fix, taka your flask along with you for your morning wake up coffee fix. Remember that your take away coffee cup can take up to 20 years to decompose.

4.   Ditch the plastic bottle

Plastic bottles take up to 400 years to decompose. That gives them a 400 year chance to cause some harm, the chances are that they will. It is estimated that around 1 million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute. They don't only pose a challenge to animals, according to the United Nations, up to 90% of bottled water contain micro plastic particles with implications for human health. Use a reusable, non-plastic bottle to store your water.  

5.   Keep your bathroom items in mind

If you have a look around your bathroom, you might notice how many plastic products you use. Swap shower gels in plastic bottles, for soap bars. Swap your plastic handle hair brushes for wooden brushes. Use stainless steel or electric razors rather than disposable razors. Clean your bathroom with nature home made detergents. Ladies, look into getting a moon cup rather than tampons or pads. 

Although changing your plastic habits may seem daunting, there are many easy ways we can make a difference. Every small change can mean a little sea life is saved. The problem is after all not plastic, the problem is us. 



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